Friday, December 9, 2011

God exists

This is a very controversial topic around the world. Does God exist? Does he not? Life as I know it: He most certainly does!
This seems so much like a no-brainer, that it baffles me. I have a difficult time wrapping my head around why people feel otherwise. To me, The evidence is all there. With articles I've read, people Ive talked to, and people I have even surveyed, It saddens me to have learned that it is not so crystal clear to everyone else.

You cannot see God: Okay, fair enough. Have you ever seen $1,000,000? Have you ever seen the wind. To quote Charlie from "The Santa Clause" "just because you cant see something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist".

Lets tackle the things that people cant see but they still believe exist. $1,000,000 & the wind. What makes people believe in these unseen realities? "You can see the effects of the wind blowing." "You can see a millionaire"(or the effects of $1,000,000), but I'd argue if you put 10 people in a room together, 9 of them would never have actually seen $1,000,000. You see where I'm going here??

Lots who choose not to believe in this, chalk the effects of God up to coincidence. When God helps a man who is paralyzed from the waist down "walk again" even when the Doctor's said there was a 100% chance that man would never walk again...non-believers usually reply with "who's to say the doctor didn't know what he was talking about when he said the man would never walk again?" How about the fact that he's a doctor sir!

God's voice has diminished over the years: "Back in the times of the Bible there were tons of normal every-day people that had conversations with God all the time." Why does God no longer talk to people the way he did Moses, Abraham, and Jesus?

My answer to that simply is: "He does." a lot of people just don't know it. It may not seem as audible as talking to you through a burning bush, or telling you how to heal a man with Leprosy.(both of which could be thrown into the first argument as well.) It is my belief that God talks to us now more discretely. Why this is, I don't know. Instead of using a bush, He'll use your Bible study leader. Instead of writing it on tablets, He'll have men write it in the Bible. Instead of talking audibly like he did to Abraham, and Noah, He'll speak to you through the Holy Spirit(I feel this is the same as my conscience) It took me 20+ years to figure this out.

Bottom line, as far as I am concerned, God most certainly does exist. It breaks my heart for people who don't see it. I research all the time to try to figure out how I would try to help people in my life(and strangers/celebrities) that I may one day meet. What I have learned about God and his existence. How to help them see it. I pray about it.

Putting it to "paper" was something I felt God pushing me to do. Thats why I started blogging. Also to use it as a form of expression. Things he has done in my life. Things he has blessed me with. People he has blessed me with. Just things in general.

That's sort of how I came up with the premise for this blog. I thought about the greatest things God has blessed me with. great families (all 3 of them), a blessed life, a great comfort in Him, and blessings, that like the ocean in the picture, stretch as far as my eyes can see.

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