Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Week!!

It's almost here!!  Just a few 144 hours away, it will finally be, Christmas day!!!
   What a great time of year.  The music. The movies.  The shopping.  The family time together.  The celebration of a Savior's birth.....oh yeah, and the gifts.

   Below are a few reasons people love this holiday. 
  • If it's the radio stations playing the Christmas Carols 24/7 from the day after Thanksgiving-Christmas day. 
  • All of the classic movies just happening to be Christmas movies. (I am sure I will quote a few in this post.  Props to anyone that can tell all movies they're from).                                                                
  • The mad-houses that we call the malls this time of year, and all the folks that go out at 12am or later on "black friday"  to get the deals. (I dont mind folks who do it.  More power to them, but you will never see me out in that mess.  way to crowded for me)
"I guess it wouldnt be the Christmas shopping season, if the stores were any less hoot--hotter than they are"
  • The great time spent with family. The one you've had your entire life, and new. 
  • Of course growing up the gifts were the reason for the "Christmas countdowns", the 5am ringing of the house phone, from the house phone, and the many sleepless Christmas eve nights I experienced.  
  • The main reason for the season though is the birth of Jesus.  Celebrating his coming to this earth for us. 
  Until I got older, Christmas was all about the gifts. I mean I knew the reason we celebrated, but the real "cake taker" for me was countdown the days until presents. "sitting through" church on Christmas eve, never really listening to the message.
  I am disappointed to say that it took me longer than it should have to understand the true meaning, and to take a look at the bigger picture, and see how blessed I am to have each of these true gifts that people love during this season.  I love it all.  It truly is "The most wonderful time of the year" 

What is your favorite part of Christmas?



  1. My favorite part is still the 5AM ringing of the house phone, and I don't even have a house phone!

  2. My favorite part about Christmas is just being together as a family and celebrating Jesus!

  3. @Dave D: I put that in there just for you! I will never forget that! CLASSIC DAVE!! p.s. What "Comment as" did you choose to leave your name?

    @Rachael: While I love ALL the above, after catching up on your blog, I was reminded of traditions. I can't WAIT to have these with my family. Have yall heard of the "Elf on the shelf"? Those things CRACK ME UP!!

