Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2012: year in review (only a tad late)

Another year come, another year past.  It seems like 2012 flew by.  2013 seems to be no different.  Here I am writing my end of the year blog on January 9, 2013.  Wowza!  Looking back at  it looks like I did the same thing.  Procrastinated until the middle of the first full week of the new year to write about the past one.  I should make my resolution this year to be more prompt on next years "year in review" blog.

Alas, I digress.  A lot has happened this year.  Pretty notable national stories, and some very notable personal stories.  I had to go back and google the top news stories of the year, because well, I forgot some of them.  I have debated over and over with myself on which to share, and then, which order to share them in.  Some are sad.  Some are fun.  After long consideration, I have decided to go ahead and get the sad parts of 2012 out of the way, in hopes to continue into this new year on a happy note.  So here we go.

  •  Mass Shootings: This, sadly, was in the news a lot this past year.  Most notably the movie theater shooting in Colorado, and the elementary school shooting in Connecticut.  This is clearly an issue with today’s society.  There have been shootings in the past, but unfourtunatly seems to be becoming more common.  I’m not sure if its gun control, or people and their mental state (and the inability to diagnose it ) that is the problem here.  I’m not going to pretend to.  What I do know though, is that it’s straight up scary, and something needs to be done about it.  
  •  Super Storm Sandy:  I don’t know much about this either.  I just know that it is not the first of it’s kind either.  I believe the book “the perfect storm” was based on another Sandy type storm that took place a few years back.  Also, who can forget that horrific Tsunami from 2004.  What is this world’s weather coming to? 

Okay.  Those are out of the way.  It’s tough to bring that stuff up, but it’s history, and I think it needs to be remembered, and talked about. I promise the rest of this blog to be more cheery.

  •  Honey Boo Boo: Who is this girl?  Where did she come from, and who thought it would be a good idea to give this girl, her own show?  It is completely silly, and some people’s guilty pleasure, but I promise to all of those outside the state of Georgia--that is not what we are all like.  
  •  Iphone 5: Yep.  The new Iphone came out in 2012.  I am lucky enough to say that I was able to get one.  The first in my family.  It was a nice change of pace because I had the 3 for so long.  My wonderful wife surprised me with it for my birthday.( I thought I was just going to upgrade to a 4)  I was a bit of a pain about it at first, because it was a bit more expensive, and I would have been perfectly content with the 4, but now,  three months later, I’m glad she talked me into the 5.  I love it.  
  • Elections:  The presidential election was held this year, and it is always an exciting time.  Really feeling like a part of the government, and making the decision who runs our country for the next 4 years.(even though my guy did not get elected.)  Politics can be a touchy subject with some folks.  I get upset when my candidate doesn’t win, but I also realize that God is in true control in the end.  Not to mention, I feel the government is set up so that one person can not have complete power.
  •  London Olympics:  Finally, maybe the best memory of 2012 for  the country as a whole.  The U.S. went into London, and dominated!  Bringing home the second most medals behind only China(and we all know they cheat anyway)  I have been known to say that “The Olympics are a time when I care about sports for 14 days that I wouldn’t care about the other 351.  This year was no different.  I stayed up late at night watching the Women’s gymnastics team kill it!  Came home from work in the afternoon, and quickly turned on the women’s soccer to see how they were doing, and even passed up my normal prime time shows(most of which were reruns anyway) to watch…wait for it…beach volleyball.  You hear about different things being “good for the sport”?  The Olympics truly are “Good for these sports”.  

Now, what did 2012 bring for me personally?  Family time, and lots of it.  It started with Russ’ wedding in Augest followed by a weekend trip out to Seattle in November for David’s.

  Christmas time was spent at our house.  Charity’s parents, sister, and my parents and grandmother all came over for Christmas day breakfast.  Such a great time.  I am truly blessed with amazing parents, and equally amazing in-laws. I love my in-laws.  Did I luck out or what?
Then we went over to mom and dads for Christmas night dinner.  Good times.  Perhaps it was practice for next year because……

The biggest, and best news to come out of 2012.  Charity and I found out we will be welcoming 2 little ones into the world in late June/early July.  We will find out this week the gender, and let inquiring minds know as soon as we know more.

   As for resolutions…Last years predictions were dead on.  I didn’t do to well on the “gym” resolution.  I have yet to break 90 on the golf course (or even break 100 regularly) I do feel though that I have kept up with this blog pretty well.  So 1 out of  3 isn’t bad…right?

   On to this years resolutions.  1) I plan to continue to blog.  Perhaps even more so with so much more that’s soon to take place this year.  2) I will likely not play as much golf later in the year, so I will leave it at breaking 100…occasionally.  3) Gym…Yeah, I'll be honest...probably not.
   One new addition for this year:  to be the best Dad I can be.  I will do everything in my power to raise the best kids possible.  To be a teammate, and partner to Charity in raising our kids, and to give them the best lives we can.

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