Saturday, August 11, 2012

Life as I know it...Growing up.

  Everyone has their dreams as to what they wanna be once they're "grown up".  Growing up I wanted to be an actor--Play the leading role on the big screen.  Then a Fireman--Saving the beautiful girl from the 12th  story of the burning building.  Then a Cartoonist--The next Jim Davis. 
   Then once I reached high school, I realized those dreams would likely stay just that.  Not because the old saying "If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything" is wrong, because it's not..  My mind just wasn't "put to it". 
   I was shy, so acting...on a front of people?  No thanks.  I was (and still am to this day) scared of heights.  Fireman have to climb ladders.  Again, something I do better in my dreams.  I am however a decent drawer.  I draw Garfield great!  The only problem is, I'd have to be looking at it to do so.  I lacked the originality, the creativeness. (not looking for a pity party, just the truth)
   Once I graduated from High school, I didn't have a clue what I wanted to do with myself.  I went to college, hoping something would "tickle my fancy".  It didn't.  I came home, started working in a restaurant, and before I knew it, I had seven years of customer service in my back pocket. 
   Somewhere in those seven years I got introduced to blogging.  Just writing your thoughts, stories, plays, whatever was on your mind.  It was fun, but like drawing I had trouble coming up with my material more than once a month.  I kept it though, changed it up every other time I wrote a new post, thinking "OK, this time, with this new look, I will keep up with it." I did this a bunch until I got to this wonderful layout you know and love today.  That I actually enjoy keeping up with, and updating.
  I am reminded of one of my favorite verses of scripture
"I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go.  I will counsel you, and watch over you"--Psalm 32:8
  Now is bogging or perhaps something more where God is leading me, as he promises in this verse? Perhaps.  Perhaps not.  Time will tell, but in the meantime, I'm having fun.  =-)

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