Friday, January 13, 2012

That "One Thing"

 Curly:  Do you know what the secret of life is?
 Mitch:  No, what?
 Curly: This. ( Holds up one finger)
 Mitch: Your finger?
 Curly: One thing. Just one thing.  You stick to that and everything else don't mean (squat).
 Mitch: That's great, but what's the one thing?
 Curly: That's what you've got to figure out.

This is a dialouge line from the classic comedy City Slickers, with Billy Crystal & Jack Palance.

I've never thought about my answer to that question until Andy Stanley did a sermon called "The one thing".  Now these are similar in the sense that Andy, and Curly both asked what is your one thing? However, they receive different answers also. 

Curly's "One thing" was simply what is your thought for you being on this earth? Whats your purpuse?

Mine is my family. 

Andy's one thing had to do with what was keeping you up on your "wall"  Like Nehemiah in the Bible.  What is the "great work" you would like to accomplish this year?  He then listed categories the one thing could fall under:
  • A habit you must break
  • A goal you must accomplish
  • A project you must complete
  • A relationship you must restore-or end
  • a debt you must rid yourself of
The scripture comes from Nehemiah 6:3 "I am doing a great work, and I cannot come down.  Why should the work cease while I leave it, and go down to you"?

This got me to thinking about my one thing.  What have I tried to do in the past, but always gotten distracted, and went back to my old ways.  Then it came to me.  Caffeine addiction.  This was already in my head for reasons I wont bore you with here, and that I hope to never have to repeat, but what an (for lack of a better word) interesting way for God to tell me that was what he wanted for me?  Just another sign that all he does is for the good.  I feel like I could have many other great things to do while on my wall, but this is the most important at the moment. 

Another blogger that I follow Did a blog about that sermon as well.  They mentioned their wall was  Facebook, or social media.  I could see that being another one of mine as well. 

It was a great sermon, and I recommend everyone to watch it when they have a free hour.


  1. Great post. I'll watch the sermon!

  2. That sermon was appropriate for the state of mind I was in the day I saw it. I was in the mood to challenge God and He answered. Always seems to happen that way.

    I looked at more like "What's keeping me from the wall?" I loved that Nehemiah paid off the debts, so that the Hebrews could work to rebuild Jerusalem's wall and restore it's economy.

    So often I find that my "debts" keep me from working on the wall (in this sense, my relationships with God and others).

    A challenging thing to think about, but I think it's going to be a rewarding process.

  3. Hi Mike:

    This 'purpose' thing is a darn good question. One that I have been asking myself virtually every day since I was about 11.

    ...and I have an answer that works very well for me.

    I think that my purpose on this Earth is to be a kind person with a good heart, the best of intentions, and someone who is ready and willing to work in the 'service' of others when the opportunities present themselves.

    I am pretty sure that our definitions of 'service' are quite different - however, the underlying principals are the same.

    Try your best to be good. It is just that simple.

    Have a good day.
