Wednesday, August 6, 2014

"Get back up buddy, try again"

   Earlier today  I was sitting in the living room, watching the kids play.  I was thinking about what my next step would be when I finally got that dreaded call from the recent employer I interviewed with saying that I just did not meet the standards they were looking for. (granted, that has not happened.  I just feel the interview went poor, and it will happen)
    Emerson & Mason were sitting next to the babygate.  Singing, dancing, doing their thing.  Emerson then decides to pull herself up on the fence.  Mason is next.  He looks at her, then looks at the fence.  He pulls himself up to his knees, then proceeds to start to move his left foot under him to stand up with his sister.  Mason stands up for a split second only to fall down on his bum.  He turns and looks at me with the saddest disappointed face i've ever seen.  I hear the words "Get back up buddy, try again" come out of my mouth.   I automatically think the same thing in regards to my job hunt.  "Get back up buddy, try again". My Heavenly Father used me( in encouraging my son ) to encourage myself. (His son)
   I knew it was from God the minute I said it, because it was literally a split second until i thought it in regards to myself.  Anyone who says God can't/won't use anyone or anything to get his message across...Just re-read this post. 
   Am I bummed that this job may not work out.  Sure.  But like Mason,  I'll eventually "get it".

Mind = Blown.