Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A message to Employers...

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as if working for the Lord, not for human masters
                                 -Colossians 3:23

   Okay, I get that, and try to do it everyday, but some jobs make it very hard.  How much effort would it take on the part of employers to occasionally say things along the lines of “ Good morning Sally.  How are the husband and kids”?  Or “good job Steve, I really noticed your hard work today”!  Just an acknowledgement of caring. Rather than the fact of “how can I use them to further my gain”?
I don't feel that’s too much to ask.  Bosses are more concerned about their employees staying late to work on a “big presentation” for the next day. Rather than letting Bill go home to relieve his wife, who’s going on 3 hours of sleep from staying up with their sick newborn all night and needs a break, just to get a nap.
   I know, sadly I am not alone in this discouragement.  There are bosses like that everywhere.  My question is-- why? How hard is it to take 5 minutes to check up on Bob’s family rather than “I need this on my desk by 5”(especially if its 8 am).  Unfortunately that’s the way things are. Again…Why?  If I was a boss, even of a minimum wage establishment like McDonald’s, I would take the time to show my employees I cared (or was at least pretending to) Perhaps that’s why I like the show “undercover boss” so much.  They act like they care.
     I am the American working man, and this is how I feel.