Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Loving the Unloveable

It has been so long since I posted.  It's not that I lack ideas to write about. In fact I have so many ideas of things I want to write about. It's simply a matter of getting it out of "mambo jumbo that no one other than myself will understand form" and into coherent English.  That being said, I have been toying with this post for about a week now.  I think I finally have it to the point that I like it.  So here we go, "the latest from the album "life as I know it.....

Show me how to love the unlovableShow to reach the I reachableHelp me now, to do the impossibleForgiveness, forgiveness
   This is the chorus from one of Matthew West's new songs.  I whistle, hum, or sing it to myself all the time.  It really seems like a good play book for part of what God has planned for us, and our time here. "Love the Unlovable".  "Reach the Unreachable".  This post is going to hit specifically on the "loving the unlovable".

   It's easy to love those that love you back.  Your parents.  Your spouse.  Your friends.  Even that person you used to talk to everyday, but for some reason haven't talked to in months.  This is great, and God loves it, but we are called to "love thy neighbor as yourself"(Mark 12:31) "Neighbor" does not just mean your "physical neighbor".  It means toward all man.  Even the person who does you wrong.  Even the person who almost runs you off the road after cutting you off in traffic. We ( as the upset sinner who just got cut off) try to "Jedi Mind trick" them into getting a ticket, or worse, wish them to get into an accident.  How do I know you do this?  Because I do the same thing on occasion.  Its tough to not get caught up in the moment, to be SO MAD, that you cant let it go. It's almost easier too, rather than taking a step back and holding yourself accountable and saying "Did I really just say that"?  Like you have a fear that if you let it go, they'll "win".
  A lot of the time our emotions get the best of us, and we get really upset with people and hold a grudge.  To the point that it ruins the rest of our day, while the person that upset you is not likely thinking twice about it.  I'm going to challenge you today, to not hold that grudge next time someone wrongs you.  Even pray for them.  In this case "that they make it home safely with those mean NASCAR skills"  It may just help you feel better.  

a closing verse from the above song sings:

  "It will clear the bitterness away, it can even set a prisoner free.  There's no end to what its power can do, so let it go, and be amazed by what you see through the eyes of grace.  The prisoner that it really you"
I checked on the inspiration he had for this song since it spoke to me so much.  It turns out it's about a woman who forgave a drunk driver that killed her teenage daughter.  Not only that, she was able to get his sentence shortened, and is now traveling the country with him, doing seminars on the dangers of drunk driving.  Powerful.

   The example I used in the beginning of this blog is not as serious as the one in the end, but both require forgiveness, and loving "unlovable" people.  Now if I were in the same situation as the lady this song is about,  would I be able to do what she did?  I'd like to think so....eventually.  In honesty though.  I don't know if I could.

  Remember this then my book is done.  There's alot of crappy things in this world, and there are alot of crappy people that don't deserve a second chance, but it could always be worse.