Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Always Remember

   Today is September 11, 2012.  Eleven years removed from arguably the worst attack on American soil. 

   I did not live through Pearl Harbor obviously, but I have read about it.  Heard accounts of that fateful December morning from those who experienced it first hand.  I remember every year, because of them.  Their stories.  I would consider the terrorist attacks of 9/11/01 as this generations Pearl Harbor.  "A day that will live in Infamy" is the way president FFranklin Roosevelt described that day.--"An extreme and publicly known criminal, or evil act.  A state of being infamous"-- That description to me, in my lifetime, is 9/11/01.
   Again, I was not alive for Pearl Harbor, but I feel it was a day alot like 9/11/01.  Everyone who lived through it knows what they were doing during every single aspect of the day.  The first tower. The second tower.  The Pentagon.  then finally, the crash in that rural Pennsylvania field. 
   I was talking with a co-worker of mine this morning about how I am going to write down where I was, and everything I was doing, so that when old age kicks in, and I forget , I will still remember.  It may sound strange, but I don't want to forget. I'm afraid that means I would forget all the innocent, and heroic lives lost that day. While I would like to forget why they were heroic, I'm afraid it just doesn't work that way. Unfortunately, they go together.
  I want to be able to give my account to those who did not live through it. My kids.  My Grand kids. My nephews. (That still blows my mind that they were not even born when it happened.)  Much like those videos did for Pearl Harbor, or my parents have done for JFK. 
  This amazing country has come along way since that Tuesday 11 years ago.  We are getting closer, and closer everyday to defeating this war on terrorism.  These evil minds that plot hatred all around the world.  What a great country we live in!  God Bless America!

(I don't know if anyone reading this knew anyone who died that day, but I am dedicating this blog to them.  To keep the memory of their lives alive.  We must never forget)