Saturday, July 28, 2012

One Crazy Week

(Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep) I lean over with a tired grown, and check my alarm clock.  It is 6 AM on Sunday morning.  I get out of bed, stretch, hop into the shower, and am out the door by 6:20 to serve at church.
   It is the last day of an extremely eventful week.  It started off like any other week.  I worked Monday and Tuesday.  Tuesday night i had an interview with Van Baird.  A local state farm agent to be a member of his sales team.  While it is a completely different position than I am used to, and one that I will need to obtain a license for, it is exciting non the less, and am hoping to make work.  It would mean a more steady/ consistent hours of work for me, and a more consistent paycheck for my family, and I. 
   Charity and I then left at 5 AM Wednesday morning to drive down to Panama City to spend a few days on the beach with her folks.  It gave us all a little time to relax, Sleep in, and not really think about any kind of Job(s) for a few days.     Charity's dad and I body boarded in the ocean, her mom and I built some pretty killer(if I do say so myself) sand art.  (see facebook for pictures), and Charity got some bonding time on the pier fishing with her dad, while Sherrie, and I enjoyed cheering them on. (Charity hooked what we can only assume was a Sand Shark--3 others had been caught earlier).  That wrapped up our trip to P.C. Beach '12.  We slept in again this morning before the long trip home, and got in about 9 PM. 
   The week will be concluded tomorrow evening, with dinner at my folks, for another great meal, and to pick up Lola, whom they have been so graciously dogsitting all week. 
    Monday......Back to work. What a crazy week!!