Monday, February 27, 2012

"Oh winter, how I won't miss you"

 It's the end of February, and I have just one question.  Where exactly did the winter go!?  At the risk jinxing it, I think we can almost say...far, far away. 
  This picture was taken a few weeks ago, when it would still be cold out on a normal year.  Not this year.  This year has been the year of a "less than dramatic" winter here in Georgia, and this born and raised boy is not complaining.  Especially after last years fiasco of being cooped inside for an entire week, due to a few inches of snow. 
  I welcome this weather with open arms!  This is the kind of winter a state that has no snow plows to speak of could really get used to!  There was maybe, one week that was tough to be outside working, because it was so cold. 
  I have found myself turning off  the heater, and air more than once this winter, and opening the windows, and turning on the fans.  I love it!  I'm sitting here typing this blog, office window open, birds chirping, and Lola passed out at my feet from the 30 minutes prior we spent out time playing fetch.  Good times. 
  I guess it is not really to shocking that its nice out, with the first day of spring being March 20, I guess, to me, it feels that winter flew by!  Again...not complaining.
  Lots to look forward to in the coming months.  Busy days/more hours at work for me.  Braves baseball starting up(which is ALWAYS nice when there's nothing else on TV), golf, lake, pool, beach weather.  trees and flowers in bloom.  Yes sir, I do love me some spring!